WinSnap V4.0.5更新日志:
New line tool and updated tool icons/cursors
Better compatibility with Windows 8 Release Preview
Fixed issue with incorrect cursor position and Aero theme
Fixed issue with File->New command in Windows Explorer
Some other improvements and bug fixes
WinSnap是一款屏幕捕获软件,能够让您得心应手地捕获到需要的屏幕截图。捕捉图像方式灵活,主要可以捕捉整个屏幕、活动窗口、选定区域等,图像输出方式多样,主要包括文件、剪贴板、和邮件。WinSnap软件具有设置捕捉前延时、自定义捕捉热键、图像文件自动按时间或模板命名、捕捉成功声音提示、预览捕捉图片、图像打印、图像水印、图像反色、图像翻转、图像旋转等功能。捕捉到的图像能够以保存图像文件、复制到剪贴板等多种方式输出。 WinSnap V4.0.5更新日志: New line tool and updated tool icons/cursors
Better compatibility with Windows 8 Release Preview
Fixed issue with incorrect cursor position and Aero theme
Fixed issue with File->New command in Windows Explorer
Some other improvements and bug fixes