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  • 软件大小:2.03 MB
  • 软件语言:多国语言
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  • 开 发 商:Home Page
  • 软件类别:CPU相关
  • 软件授权:共享软件
  • 更新时间:2013-01-21
  • 应用平台:Win2003,WinXP,Vinsta,WIN7,8
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  • 软件MD5:点击复制

        SpeedFan是一个免费但功能强大的硬件监控工具,除了常见的CPU温度、硬盘温度及风扇转速监测外,它还具有调节风扇转速的功能(包括手动调节和自动调节),并且可以对CPU进行软超频(原理类似CPUFSB和ClockGen)。个人感觉其“图表”功能很实用,可以让我们通过不断变化的曲线直观地了解到CPU温度、硬盘温度及风扇转速的总体走势。用在超频时监测CPU温度及风扇转速变化情况很适合,当然也可以用它来监测一下如今很火的Prescott核心赛扬D处理器,看看其待机温度和满负荷运行温度到底如何。 当然,大多数主板都有其厂家推出的专用监控软件,不过,将SpeedFan作为辅助软件来使用也是不错的选择(特别是那些杂牌主板)需要注意的一点是,其监测出的各项数据与MotherBoard Monitor和Hardware Sensors Monitor一致,但与个别主板专用监测软件监测出的数据有少许出入(可能与主板使用的BIOS版本有关)。


-greatly improved nVidia video card support
-added full access to hardware monitor chips available on several nVidia video cards (enabled I2C writes to allow fan speed control too)
-improved Intel QST support
-Intel QST now checks first for 2.0, then falls back to 1.0, if needed
-added support for external USB drives using JMicron controllers
-fixed fan speed computation for several Analog Devices chips (ADM1027, ADT7463, ADT7475, ADT7476, ADT7468, ADT7473, ADT7490) when configured for non standard number of pulses per revolution
-MUTEXes used to synchronize with other tools while accessing buses are now defined Global
-fixed CPU usage bars size on the main window
-enabled SMBus access on ICH10 and ICH10R, if needed
-if SpeedFan service is unavailable, a message dialog is shown and the program stops running
-added scan exceptions for Asus P5N-T DELUXE and Intel DX58SO
-SEND REPORT now includes a list of ACPI devices found




[quote] [size=4][b][url=http://www.jjxhf.comhttp://www.jjxhf.com/xitong/cpu/1476.html]SpeedFan(硬件监控工具)V4.46官方版[/url][/b][/size] [b]软件大小:[/b] 2.03 MB
[b]软件语言:[/b] 多国语言
[b]软件类别:[/b] CPU相关
[b]运行环境:[/b] Win2003,WinXP,Vinsta,WIN7,8
[b]授权方式:[/b] 共享软件
[b]整理时间:[/b] 2013-01-21
[b]开 发 商:[/b] [url=]Home page[/url]



        SpeedFan是一个免费但功能强大的硬件监控工具,除了常见的CPU温度、硬盘温度及风扇转速监测外,它还具有调节风扇转速的功能(包括手动调节和自动调节),并且可以对CPU进行软超频(原理类似CPUFSB和ClockGen)。个人感觉其“图表”功能很实用,可以让我们通过不断变化的曲线直观地了解到CPU温度、硬盘温度及风扇转速的总体走势。用在超频时监测CPU温度及风扇转速变化情况很适合,当然也可以用它来监测一下如今很火的Prescott核心赛扬D处理器,看看其待机温度和满负荷运行温度到底如何。 当然,大多数主板都有其厂家推出的专用监控软件,不过,将SpeedFan作为辅助软件来使用也是不错的选择(特别是那些杂牌主板)需要注意的一点是,其监测出的各项数据与MotherBoard Monitor和Hardware Sensors Monitor一致,但与个别主板专用监测软件监测出的数据有少许出入(可能与主板使用的BIOS版本有关)。


-greatly improved nVidia video card support
-added full access to hardware monitor chips available on several nVidia video cards (enabled I2C writes to allow fan speed control too)
-improved Intel QST support
-Intel QST now checks first for 2.0, then falls back to 1.0, if needed
-added support for external USB drives using JMicron controllers
-fixed fan speed computation for several Analog Devices chips (ADM1027, ADT7463, ADT7475, ADT7476, ADT7468, ADT7473, ADT7490) when configured for non standard number of pulses per revolution
-MUTEXes used to synchronize with other tools while accessing buses are now defined Global
-fixed CPU usage bars size on the main window
-enabled SMBus access on ICH10 and ICH10R, if needed
-if SpeedFan service is unavailable, a message dialog is shown and the program stops running
-added scan exceptions for Asus P5N-T DELUXE and Intel DX58SO
-SEND REPORT now includes a list of ACPI devices found

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